Repost: The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie

I read this a few years ago and I’m surprised, but I wrote a pretty good review!! Here it is! One down!

Junior is one of those kids that doesn’t see his own potential and only sees himself through other people’s eyes. Through this coming of age story, he learns to see himself and the possibilities that are out there for him.

Junior defies his reservation by going outside the reservation for schooling. He sees what it is like on the reservation and has big plans for his future. He doesn’t want to end up stuck like everyone else that he knows. His sister is a loner that never leaves her room, his parents are drunks (along with all the other parents on the res), and his best friend scares the crap out of him. By leaving, he learns that just because it seems like you are stuck in a situation, you control your destiny. Junior makes one major change in his life and it turns his life upside down. He leaves the res to go to a better school and changes the life of everyone on the res. His sister leaves her room and finds herself married and moved to another res, his parents become more aware of him and start paying attention to him, the people on the res are jealous of his courage to leave and end up hating him and the only one that truly stands behind him in his decision is his grandmother.

The writing in this book is so well done, that it keeps you wanting to know more and more about Junior’s life and what is going to happen to him. I hate to compare this with the Georgia Nicholson books, but it really does remind me of them. Junior is witty and humorous throughout. Alexie doesn’t leave anything out. I believed that a young male was writing this “diary” and thinking all the thoughts that were Junior’s. I definitely recommend this to all readers young and old.

I’m back!

Well, at least for a little while anyway. I’m still in graduate school and still working my tail off. I know that it will be totally worth it in the end, so I keep telling myself only another year and a half. That’s not too long!

So, the question now is…why am I back if I’m still in school? Answer: I’m taking a class that I have to read over 30 books and what better way to remember what I’ve read then keep up with my blog and review those books!! I’m really excited about the class, Multicultural Literature for Children and Youth. I have made a special page to show all the books I have to read and which ones I’ve already read. I’ve already read one! Yeah! I think I may have writte a post several years ago about it, so it may be coming back so I can remember more about what happened.

Being a white female, I love reading about other cultures, the good and the bad. Like I’ve heard before, you learn from the past. And if you ignore it, you are doomed to repeat it. I hope to learn a lot from the books we have to read and from the other students in the class. I hope to get some discussions going on in the blog as well!

Happy Reading and hope to see you soon!

Ps.I have become a member of another blog. It is a collaborative blog and will be posting the same reviews there. I do recommend you visit the blog and check out all the cool people I share the blog with!