Kiss & Blog by Alyson Noel

I have to say that this book surprised me. I was expecting something sort of like the A-List by Zoey Dean, and it did have some errors, but it was really good. I really enjoyed this read. Yes, it was definitely chick-lit and somewhat superficial, but omg it had a moral to the story! It was decently written. I loved the voice of Winter. It reminded me of when I was in high school and all the things I used to think about the uber-popular kids.

The story goes…two bff’s plan through an entire summer on how they will become part of the popular posse. They make charts, they read a lot of books about being popular and they practice what they will say to certain questions. The only problem is Sloane wants to be popular and Winter thinks she wants to be popular. And of course, when school starts Sloane falls in with the populars and Winter gets left in the dust.

Winter’s mom owns a local cafe that sells healthy/herbal smoothies, etc., and a new boy,Rey, comes to town that her mom hires. Winter and Rey become pretty good friends. He sits with her at lunch and pretty much takes up the role that Sloane has left. Not until another girl shows interest in Rey does she actually see him. She’s too busy watching the popular kids to even see what is in front of her. She’s started a blog telling all of Sloane’s secrets. She makes sure to disguise everyone’s name including her own. She calls herself Eleanor Rigby (after the Beatles song).

Much chaos ensues, and Winter finds that not only can she not talk to Rey about her feelings for him, but he has found himself a girlfriend. She has to find out what she wants and how to get there. Lots of mistakes are made, plus some major life lessons learned. All in all a good book this makes.

I enjoyed the perspective of Winter throughout this book. Noel did a good job of maintaining Winter’s personality throughout. Even though Winter went through a lot of changes, it was believable changes and the outcome was believable.

The A-List by Zoey Dean

Yet another review from my old blog. Actually, it’s my very first review that I did on that one. Ho Hum pigs bum.

So, I know that I said a long time ago that I would start putting up reviews of books. Well, ladies and gentlemen I’ve finally gotten off my ass and here I am. And of course I choose to start actually doing reviews and the first one is a stinker.

I’ve been hearing and seeing The A-List series by Zoey Dean around a lot. Well, I don’t really know why. I’m not even half way through the book and I’ve seen so many grammatical errors my 10 year old niece could have written/edited better. I guess I had this false notion that editors actually read over authors manuscripts. Not only does it have grammar errors, but every so often the author will drop big words in at weird points. She uses words like opine throughout the narration, but her characters are upper class, snobby rich kids that wouldn’t know the meaning of the word. Much less use it. I’m sure they would have thought it was some kind of tree. But alas, someone out there likes this crap and therefore there is a whole series of the books.

To be fairly honest, this book reminds me way too much like Gossip Girl by Cecily Von Ziegesar. Only the Gossip Girl series is better written. I don’t think I’ll be reading any more in this series. I’ll be lucky to finish the rest of the book. Which is only 243 pages.

Hopefully the next book I review (I think it will be Sex and the Single Vampire by Katie MacAlester) will be a better read.

I just finished reading two anthologies. Prom Nights From Hell and The Number of the Beast(666). I recommend both of these if you like horror stories .

Thats all for now!

Princess Mia by Meg Cabot

My first review for the site. YAY! I’m actually getting something done! heheheFor those of you who are familiar with the Princess Diaries books, then this book has been something you’ve been waiting to get your hands on. Are Mia and Michael meant to be together or will someone close to her be the true love of her life?

Mia has broken up with Michael and is really regretting it. She doesn’t know how she could have let the love of her life go, even though he didn’t tell her about having sex with Judith Gersherner, the fruit fly cloner.

All Mia wants is to get a phone call from Michael saying that he loves her and will take her back. While she waits for this live changing call, she sinks into a depression that no one can get her out of, except herself.

With her best friend Lily ignoring her, her Grandmere intent on making her make a fool of herself in front of 2000 of the most prestigious women on the continent, boy troubles, a secret diary and no one to talk to, Mia has to find her inner strength to reach out of the pit of dispair she has found herself in and find who she really is. Can she do it or will her world come crashing down all around her?

I found this a good addition to the series. I was a little disappointed that we didn’t get more answers to what is going to happen in our favorite fictional princess’ life. BUT I’m also glad that we didn’t, because now she’ll have to keep writing more books! That’s always a plus!