I’m moving…

It’s been a while. I’ve really had to think about what I wanted to do with this blog or any blog. I honestly started disliking my use of kawzmik girl and kawzmik world. I wanted something that was more personal. I feel like I have been hiding behind the “kawzmik” and not really expressing myself as much as I have always wanted. So, in saying that I have started a whole new blog here on wordpress. allthingsrena.wordpress.com.

I am using my name and not hiding behind an alias. This for me has always been a challenge and I think that once I get going it will be great. I will still be doing book reviews on this site. I mean, it’s about me and one thing that will never change about me is my love of books, reading and reviewing.

I will also being writing about other things that interesting me. I have started baking/cooking more regularly and will be updating on that. Plus, I have begun to be a coupon-er. Saving money on food and all kinds of other things has become a hobby for me. If you haven’t been saving yet, I highly recommend it. Not only am I saving money, I’m able to buy fresher produce and healthy foods!

And speaking of healthy! I’ve recently decided that it was time for me to get healthy. Yes, it is a decision you have to make for yourself! I have started a 30 day arm challenge (I’m on day 12) and I am also doing some tai chi and cardio. I have a lot of weight to lose, but most importantly, I have a lot of daily changes that I need to make! This is a life changing adventure for me, not just a weight loss adventure.

I hope to see you any and all of you over at the new blog!



New Year…

Class is over until the 14th of January. The New Year has just come and gone. My birthday is in less than a week. Already I am on to a good start.

I’m not going to bore anyone (myself included) with resolutions. They never last and are only there to remind me of what I think isn’t good enough about myself. I am already an awesome person. I just need to improve on my awesomeness. I know what I need to do and I don’t need to put it in a list or tell the world.

I have one semester left and then my end of program exam. All of my focus will be on passing my classes and doing the best I can on getting my Master’s Degree. After that, the world will be mine. And I want everything that I can have and take. I will not step on or over anyone to get where I belong, I will not cheat or lie, but I will sell myself as best and truthfully as possible. Hopefully I won’t have to move out of state to do that, but I’m not ruling it out. I’m in a new decade of my life and I’m ready.

Cheers and Prost to everyone! I hope you get everything you’ve ever wanted in this new year. May the pains be small and the laughter plentiful!

Module 15: Forever by Judy Blume

ForeverNewTitle: Forever

Author: Judy Blume

Publisher: Simon Spotlight Entertainment

Published Date: 1975


Girl wonders about love. Starts taking birth control. Meets boy. Falls in love. Has sex as teenager in high school. Summer they are apart. Will their love remain true?

APA Reference:

Blume, J. (1975). Forever. New York, NY: Simon Spotlight Entertainment.


I wish I would have read this when I was in high school. I really enjoyed reading this and having a different perspective on sex and being a female teenager.

Professional Review:

Her daughter complained that teen romance novels always ended with a girl dying from an abortion, so Judy Blume wrote Forever … The story: Boy meets girl. Thanks to the Pill, they do it–and life goes on. Blume would write it differently today. “Now,” she says, “sexual responsibility also means preventing diseases–like AIDS.”

(1994). Judy Blume turned to teen lust. People, 41(9), 38.

Library Use:

This book will be good to start a conversation about sex, teenagers and where they meet. The talk needs to start somewhere.

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