I’m moving…

It’s been a while. I’ve really had to think about what I wanted to do with this blog or any blog. I honestly started disliking my use of kawzmik girl and kawzmik world. I wanted something that was more personal. I feel like I have been hiding behind the “kawzmik” and not really expressing myself as much as I have always wanted. So, in saying that I have started a whole new blog here on wordpress. allthingsrena.wordpress.com.

I am using my name and not hiding behind an alias. This for me has always been a challenge and I think that once I get going it will be great. I will still be doing book reviews on this site. I mean, it’s about me and one thing that will never change about me is my love of books, reading and reviewing.

I will also being writing about other things that interesting me. I have started baking/cooking more regularly and will be updating on that. Plus, I have begun to be a coupon-er. Saving money on food and all kinds of other things has become a hobby for me. If you haven’t been saving yet, I highly recommend it. Not only am I saving money, I’m able to buy fresher produce and healthy foods!

And speaking of healthy! I’ve recently decided that it was time for me to get healthy. Yes, it is a decision you have to make for yourself! I have started a 30 day arm challenge (I’m on day 12) and I am also doing some tai chi and cardio. I have a lot of weight to lose, but most importantly, I have a lot of daily changes that I need to make! This is a life changing adventure for me, not just a weight loss adventure.

I hope to see you any and all of you over at the new blog!



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